Doctor sitting bedside with a stethoscope
HealthSeptember 01, 2019

A physician's journey in the treatment of sepsis

This article by Dr. Steve Claypool, former Medical Director at Wolters Kluwer, Health is part of LinkedIn's Hard Cases series, where medical professionals share the toughest challenges they've faced in their careers.

Early in my career, while I was doing a critical care fellowship, I had two very emotionally involved cases of sepsis.

In both cases the patients were in their twenties. The first case was a young man from a rural area that was brought to Minneapolis for emergency care. He rapidly developed sepsis requiring mechanical ventilation, presser support and hemodialysis. He required full support for weeks, but his infectious illness was a mystery. Despite multiple infectious disease consultations, including assistance from national experts at the CDC and Mayo Clinic, we never determined the etiology. The working hypothesis was a tick-borne illness, but he tested negative for rare diseases such as anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, babesiosis and a myriad of other infections.

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Sentri7® Sepsis Monitor
Helping clinicians identify patients with sepsis and proactively managing SEP-1 bundle care delivery through transitions of care.
Sepsis Monitor continuously analyzes EHR patient data and provides 24/7 automated surveillance of a hospital’s patient population. Patient-specific, SEP-1 bundle care alerts into existing workflows empower clinical teams to act fast and early to help improve quality of care.
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